Another dose of health
The exercise effect.
Help employees learn how to see the brighter side more often.
Resources ready to use
This is general health information and not medical advice or services. You should consult your doctor for medical advice or services, including seeking advice prior to undertaking a new diet or exercise program.
All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company or its affiliates. The Cigna name, logo, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. All pictures are used for illustrative purposes only.
956702 © 2023 Cigna. Some content provided under license.
Resources ready to use
Fight back against the flu.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
Another dose of health
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Check out even more health education resources you can share with your employees.
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Health and
Dental Extras
View resources by well-being dimension
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Everyone can keep their knees feeling healthier.
Why waist size matters.
Shedding light on skin cancer types.
Pump up your knowledge.
Pain relief without pills.
How to prepare for your annual check-up.
View digital newsletter
Take the sting out of summer.
Declutter your life.
Caregiving support.
Strengthen your social connections.
Positive ways to resolve conflict.
Bring kindness wherever you go.
Be open to being open-minded.
More than a mood.
Bounce back from burnout.
Get back to nature.
Boost your brain power.
A dose of humor for your health.
Shop around to help save money on surgery.
Six ways to save on your health care bills.
How to spot a scam.
Estate planning essentials.
Cervical Health Awareness Month
Working vitality into your day.
Give plant-based eating a try.
Lower your stress with more positive self-talk.
Saving on prescriptions is possible.
Bounce back
from burnout.
Make ergonomics part of your work day.
Everyone can keep their knees feeling healthier.
Declutter your life.
Caregiving support.
Bring kindness wherever you go.
Boost your brain power.
Be open to being open-minded.
A dose of humor for your health.
Using conflict to
foster growth.
Pump up your knowledge.
More than a mood.
How to spot a scam.
Get back to nature.
Estate planning essentials.
Why waist size matters.
Take the sting out of summer.
Strengthen your social connections.
Shop around to help save money on surgery.
Shedding light on skin cancer type.
Resources ready to use
Help employees learn more about plant-based foods and all of their benefits.
How to prepare for your annual check-up.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Month. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [12k]
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Resources ready to use
Younger women and breast cancer risk.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Another dose of health
November is National Family Caregivers Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Resources ready to use
How caretakers can take better careof themselves.
November is National Family Caregivers Month.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
Laughter is good medicine for your mind and body. And you don’t have to wait around for something funny to happen. You can actively bring more laughter into your life every day.
A dose of humor for your health.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
Most Americans spend an average of 11 to 12 hours a day sitting.* It’s not easy to break the cycle of sitting especially if you commute to work and spend most of the day at a desk. But too much sitting can be hazardous to your health.
Avoid the side effects of sitting.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
Being a good listener is essential for communicating effectively in many different situations. And it’s a great skill that everyone can improve upon.
Be open to being open-minded.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
Stress and anxiety can put a lot of strain on your brain. If you’re stressed out most of the time, you may have trouble thinking clearly and remembering details. That’s because the hormones your body releases when under stress can impair your memory and problem-solving skills.*
Boost your brain power.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the hectic pace of life. What if you put your plans on pause for a few moments to do something unexpected?
Bring kindness wherever you go.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
Balancing the demands of caregiving and the rest of your daily to-do list can be overwhelming. What can you do? The best way to care for your loved one is to care for yourself as well.
Caregiving support.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture when your home is cluttered with lots of things. Reclaim your space and enjoy your time at home by getting rid of the clutter.
Declutter your life.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
Are you prepared for the unexpected? When you have the right documents in place, your loved ones won’t have to guess (or stress) about it later.
Estate planning essentials.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
Identity theft can happen to anyone, and it can be stressful and time consuming to resolve. But there are actions you can take to help protect your personal information.
How to spot a scam.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
If you spend most of your waking hours looking at screens, you’re not alone. On average, adults spend more than 11 hours per day interacting with media on TV, computers and mobile devices.*
Get back to nature.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
Depression isn’t something you can simply pull yourself out of on your own. The first step to feeling better is recognizing that treatment can help if you’re willing to try. It might take some time, but 80% to 90% of people with depression respond well to treatment.*
More than a mood.
Another dose of health
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If you have knee pain, you might worry that physical activity could make your pain worse. But there’s no need to quit on your fitness goals. For joint pain caused by osteoarthritis, exercise is considered the most effective nondrug treatment for reducing pain and improving movement.*
Help keep your knees young.
Another dose of health
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When it comes to how you experience pain, your mind and body are closely connected. If you’re stressed, your body may hold tension and produce stress hormones that make pain worse. Relaxing your body and taking your mind off what hurts may help.*
Pain relief without pills.
Another dose of health
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Blood pressure is a measurement of the force of your blood pushing against your artery walls. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is when that pressure is consistently too high.
Pump up your knowledge.
Another dose of health
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Forgiveness allows you to let go of pain, frustration and resentment. Once you move on from those negative feelings, you can focus your energy on things that are important to you.
Positive ways to resolve conflict.
Another dose of health
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Cultivating good relationships at work can benefit you in a number of ways, both personally and professionally.
Strengthen your social connections.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, and it’s also highly treatable when detected early.* So it’s important to inspect your skin regularly for changes.
Shedding light on skin cancer type.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
Being aware of your body shape isn’t all about looks. The shape of your body and where you may carry extra fat can affect your health too.
Why waist size matters.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
The costs of surgery can vary a lot from one provider to the next. You have a lot to gain by shopping around for quality care at a lower cost, especially if you’re paying a portion of health care costs out of your own pocket.
Shop around to help save money on surgery.
Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
It’s time for outdoor adventures – maybe a nature hike, a dip in the pool or a relaxing backyard barbecue. Being prepared with some first aid basics can help you handle just about anything that comes your way.
Take the sting out of summer.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
February is American Heart Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Resources ready to use
De-stress to decrease your risk of heart disease.
February is American Heart Month.
Another dose of health
Resources ready to use
Eating to live longer.
March is National Nutrition Month
Another dose of health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [12k]
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
Make time for self-care.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Another dose of health
February is American Heart Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [12k]
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February is American Heart Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Go on, get social.
.zip [12k]
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May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
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English Spanish
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English Spanish
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English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
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English Spanish
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English Spanish
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English Spanish
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English Spanish
Oral health impacts overall health.
Share this email with your employees.
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Oral health impacts your overall health more than you may realize.
Oral health impacts overall health.
Another dose of health
Women’s oral health. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [12k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
Ladies, maintain the same healthy smile throughout all stages of life.
Women’s oral health.
Another dose of health
A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [12k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
Keeping a healthy weight can reduce your oral health risks.
A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth.
Another dose of health
October is national dental hygiene month. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [12k]
Download English
Healthy mouth, healthy life.
October is national dental hygiene month.
Another dose of health
Diabetes and oral health: what you should know. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [12k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
Understand the connection between diabetes and oral health.
Diabetes and oral health: what you should know.
Another dose of health
Aging and oral health. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [12k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
Build healthy oral habits that last a lifetime.
Aging and oral health.
Another dose of health
Resources ready to use
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Fight back against the flu.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
Another dose of health
Resources ready to use
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health observance extras
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Fight back against the flu.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
Another dose of health
Resources ready to use
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health observance extras
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Fight back against the flu.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
Another dose of health
Resources ready to use
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health observance extras
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Fight back against the flu.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
Another dose of health
Resources ready to use
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health observance extras
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Fight back against the flu.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
Another dose of health
Resources ready to use
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health observance extras
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Fight back against the flu.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
Another dose of health
Calming Anxious Thoughts
Sleep well. Your heart will thank you.
Make it through the holidays, healthier.
Caregiving support.
Bring kindness wherever you go.
Be open to being open-minded.
Avoid the side effects of sitting.
A dose of humor for your health.
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [19k]
Download English Spanish
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Resources ready to use
With your employees almost always on the go, health apps are a great way to help them track and meet their health goals. But with so many out there, how do they choose? Help your team learn how to find the right one.
Another dose of health
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Women’s oral health. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [12k]
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.zip [19k]
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Resources ready to use
Whether team dog, cat or ferret, studies show that pet owners are generally happier and healthier.* Help your employees discover all the good things pets can do for their health.
Feel the positive effects of pets.
Another dose of health
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A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [12k]
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
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Resources ready to use
Aging and oral health. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [12k]
Download English
Social media can be great for connecting with friends, staying on top of news, even finding a great new restaurant. But when life becomes consumed by status updates and the latest online trends, it’s time to re-evaluate. Share tips with your team on finding balance.
The side effects of social media.
Another dose of health
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.zip [12k]
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Resources ready to use
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive. It just takes some planning and knowing what to look for at the store. Help your employees learn some healthy meal prep tips.
Healthier eating gets easier.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
October is national dental hygiene month. Share this email with your employees.
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
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Resources ready to use
Worrying about money can increase stress and anxiety and have a negative effect on overall well-being. Help your employees learn ways to manage their money and overcome debt.
Reduce your debt and your stress.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
Diabetes and oral health: what you should know. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [12k]
Download English
Make ergonomics part of your work day.
The side effects of social media.
Feel the positive effects of pets.
Reduce your debt
and your stress.
Resources ready to use
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
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Vitality is the energy that lives inside all of us. And when it’s considered, cared for and strengthened, it can help you become the healthiest version of yourself.
The antioxidant advantage.
Another dose of health
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Oral health impacts overall health. Share this email with your employees.
Resources ready to use
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
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Most Americans spend an average of 11 to 12 hours a day sitting.* It’s not easy to break the cycle of sitting especially if you commute to work and spend most of the day at a desk. But too much sitting can be hazardous to your health.
Avoid the side effects of sitting.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
Women’s oral health.
Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
Resources ready to use
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
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Being a good listener is essential for communicating effectively in many different situations. And it’s a great skill that everyone can improve upon.
Be open to being open-minded.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
Resources ready to use
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
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Eating healthy doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive. It just takes some planning and knowing what to look for at the store. Help your employees learn some healthy meal prep tips.
Slip into sleep.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
October is national dental hygiene month. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
Resources ready to use
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [19k]
English Spanish
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Even with a health plan in place, medical care can still bring unexpected surprises in the form of costly bills. Help your employees find ways to control costs and stay prepared.
Six ways to save on your health care bills.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
Diabetes and oral health: what you should know. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
Resources ready to use
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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English Spanish
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Intro text
Feel the positive effects of pets.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
Aging and oral health.
Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
Healthier eating gets easier.
The side effects of social media.
Feel the positive effects of pets.
There’s a health app for everyone.
Reduce your debt and your stress.
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [728K]
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [995K]
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms
.zip [1022k]
Go on, get social
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [698k]
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [698k]
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [2.9m]
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [682k]
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [682k]
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [682k]
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [1022k]
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [995k]
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [12k]
Download English Spanish
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [12k]
Download English Spanish
November is National Family Caregivers Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [12k]
Download English Spanish
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
November is National Family Caregivers Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Download English Spanish
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [4.2m]
Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [53k]
Download English Spanish
Share the health
Resources ready to use
Help employees learn how to fight knee pain, starting with regular movement.
Everyone can keep their knees
feeling healthier.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [3m]
Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
Share the health
Resources ready to use
Help employees learn how to sit with safety in mind.
Make ergonomics part of your work day.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [12k]
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
Help prevent cervical cancer or find it early.
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month.
Another dose of health
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [3m]
Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
Share the health
Resources ready to use
Help employees learn skills to build resilience and increase their vitality.
Bounce back from burnout.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
There’s a health
app for everyone.
There's even more ways your employees can stay on top of their overall health.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [21K]
English Spanish
.zip [3m]
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
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Resources ready to use
Help employees learn how to fight knee pain, starting with regular movement.
Everyone can keep their knees feeling healthier.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [3m]
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
English Spanish
.zip [18k]
Share the email
Resources ready to use
Help employees learn how to sit with safety in mind.
Make ergonomics part of your work day.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
Go on, get social.
.zip [3m]
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
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Resources ready to use
Help employees learn skills to build resilience and increase their vitality.
Bounce back from burnout.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [12k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Pain relief without pills.
Declutter your life.
February is American Heart Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
De-stress to decrease your risk of heart disease.
February is American Heart Month.
Another dose of health
March is National Nutrition Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [12k]
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
Eating to live longer.
March is National Nutrition Month
Another dose of health
Download English
February is American Heart Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [21K]
Download English
March is National Nutrition Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [21K]
National Nutrition Month
American Heart Month
American Heart Month
Women’s oral health
Brush up on dental habits for the new year. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [12k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
Small habits can go a long way.
Brush up on dental habits for the
new year.
Another dose of health
Children’s Dental Health Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [12k]
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Resources ready to use
Help establish strong dental health, right from the start.
Children’s Dental Health Month.
Another dose of health
Genes can impact oral health. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [12k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
They play an important role, but so do you.
Genes can impact oral health
Another dose of health
Brush up on dental habits for the new year
Children’s Dental Health Month
Genes can impact
oral health
.zip [21K]
.zip [21K]
Download English
Brush up on dental habits for the new year. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [21K]
Download English Spanish
February is Children's Dental Health Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [21K]
Download English Spanish
Genes can impact oral health. Share this email with your employees.
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [21K]
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January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [12k]
English Spanish
Resources ready to use
Help prevent cervical cancer or find it early.
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month.
Another dose of health
Download English Spanish
February is American Heart Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Resources ready to use
De-stress to decrease your risk of heart disease.
February is American Heart Month.
Another dose of health
Positive ways to resolve conflict.
Why waist size matters.
Take the sting out of summer.
Mental Health Awareness Month
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month.
Help prevent cervical cancer or find it early.
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
March is National Nutrition Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Eating to live longer.
March is National Nutrition Month
Another dose of health
.zip [21K]
Download English
Share this email with your employees on the oral health dangers of alcohol, vaping and tobacco.
.zip [21K]
Download English Spanish
April is National Minority Health Month.
Share this email with your employees.
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Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [4.2m]
Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [53k]
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Share the health
Resources ready to use
Help employees find ways to cut down on the cost of their medications.
Saving on prescriptions is possible.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
Share this email with your employees about overcoming nervousness at dental visits.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English
Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Resources ready to use
Stop negative self-talk to reduce stress
and improve health.
Another dose of health
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Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [3.4m]
May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Go on, get social.
.zip [2.9m]
Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Resources ready to use
Help employees learn more about plant-based foods and all of their benefits.
Give plant-based eating a try.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
.zip [18k]
Download English
Help keep those healthy smiles in check.
Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
June is National Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
Saving on prescriptions is possible.
Positive ways to resolve conflict.
Don’t become a victim of identity theft.
Bring kindness wherever you go.
Positive ways to resolve conflict.
Lower your stress with more positive self-talk.
Give plant-based eating a try.
April is National Minority Health Month.
Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [12k]
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
Let’s work together to help those most at risk.
April is National Minority Health Month
Another dose of health
Share this email with your employees on the oral health dangers of alcohol, vaping and tobacco.
.zip [12k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
Alcohol, vaping and tobacco directly affect our oral health, too – leading to gum disease, tooth decay and much more.
It’s not just your liver and lungs that are compromised.
Another dose of health
Share this email with your employees about overcoming nervousness at dental visits.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [12k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
f your nerves ever get so overwhelming that they cause you to delay appointments or cancel altogether, you may be suffering from dental anxiety.
It’s common to feel a little nervous about going to the dentist.
Another dose of health
June is National Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month.
Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [12k]
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
Increase awareness for early detection.
June is National Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
Another dose of health
Help keep those healthy smiles in check. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [12k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
Men are more than twice as likely than women to be diagnosed with oral cancer.*
Guys, let’s keep those healthy smiles in check.
Another dose of health
Aging and oral health
National Immunization Awareness Month
A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth
National Family Caregivers Month
Diabetes and oral health: what you should know
April is National Minority Health Month
Mental Health Awareness Month
Stay clear of alcohol, vaping and tobacco.
It’s common to feel a little nervous about going to the dentist.
June is National Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
October is national dental hygiene month
Guys, let’s keep those healthy smiles in check.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Oral health impacts overall health
Help employees learn how to see the brighter side more often.
Resources ready to use
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [3.4m]
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Share the email
Even with a health plan in place, medical care can still bring unexpected surprises in the form of costly bills. Help your employees find ways to control costs and stay prepared.
Six ways to save on your health care bills.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
March is National Nutrition Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Eating to live longer.
March is National Nutrition Month
Another dose of health
Resources ready to use
Genes can impact oral health. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
They play an important role, but so do you.
Genes can impact oral health
Another dose of health
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
Share this email with your employees on the oral health dangers of alcohol, vaping and tobacco.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English
Alcohol, vaping and tobacco directly affect our oral health, too – leading to gum disease, tooth decay and much more.
It’s not just your liver and lungs that are compromised.
Another dose of health
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
Share this email with your employees about overcoming nervousness at dental visits.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English
f your nerves ever get so overwhelming that they cause you to delay appointments or cancel altogether, you may be suffering from dental anxiety.
It’s common to feel a little nervous about going to the dentist.
Another dose of health
Resources ready to use
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
English Spanish
Make time for self-care.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Another dose of health
Shedding light on skin cancer types.
Healthier eating gets easier.
Estate planning essentials.
Aging and oral health
National Family Caregivers Month
Diabetes and oral health: what you should know
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth
Women’s oral health
Genes can impact
oral health
National Nutrition Month
Children’s Dental Health Month
Mental Health Awareness Month
April is National Minority Health Month
Mental Health Awareness Month
National Immunization Awareness Month
Oral health impacts overall health
It’s common to feel a little nervous about going to the dentist. Health Awareness Month
June is National Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
October is national dental hygiene month
This is general health information and not medical advice or services. You should consult your doctor for medical advice or services, including seeking advice prior to undertaking a new diet or exercise program.
All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company or its affiliates. The Cigna name, logo, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. All pictures are used for illustrative purposes only.
956702 © 2023 Cigna. Some content provided under license.
The costs of surgery can vary a lot from one provider to the next. You have a lot to gain by shopping around for quality care at a lower cost, especially if you’re paying a portion of health care costs out of your own pocket.
Shop around to help save money on surgery.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Identity theft can happen to anyone, and it can be stressful and time consuming to resolve. But there are actions you can take to help protect your personal information.
How to spot a scam.
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Another dose of health
Are you prepared for the unexpected? When you have the right documents in place, your loved ones won’t have to guess (or stress) about it later.
Estate planning essentials.
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Another dose of health
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Depression isn’t something you can simply pull yourself out of on your own. The first step to feeling better is recognizing that treatment can help if you’re willing to try. It might take some time, but 80% to 90% of people with depression respond well to treatment.*
More than a mood.
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Another dose of health
If you spend most of your waking hours looking at screens, you’re not alone. On average, adults spend more than 11 hours per day interacting with media on TV, computers and mobile devices.*
Get back to nature.
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Another dose of health
Stress and anxiety can put a lot of strain on your brain. If you’re stressed out most of the time, you may have trouble thinking clearly and remembering details. That’s because the hormones your body releases when under stress can impair your memory and problem-solving skills.*
Boost your brain power.
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Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Laughter is good medicine for your mind and body. And you don’t have to wait around for something funny to happen. You can actively bring more laughter into your life every day.
A dose of humor for your health.
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Another dose of health
Cultivating good relationships at work can benefit you in a number of ways, both personally and professionally.
Strengthen your social connections.
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Another dose of health
Forgiveness allows you to let go of pain, frustration and resentment. Once you move on from those negative feelings, you can focus your energy on things that are important to you.
Positive ways to resolve conflict.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the hectic pace of life. What if you put your plans on pause for a few moments to do something unexpected?
Bring kindness wherever you go.
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Another dose of health
Being a good listener is essential for communicating effectively in many different situations. And it’s a great skill that everyone can improve upon.
Be open to being open-minded.
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Another dose of health
It’s time for outdoor adventures – maybe a nature hike, a dip in the pool or a relaxing backyard barbecue. Being prepared with some first aid basics can help you handle just about anything that comes your way.
Take the sting out of summer.
Another dose of health
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Another dose of health
It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture when your home is cluttered with lots of things. Reclaim your space and enjoy your time at home by getting rid of the clutter.
Declutter your life.
Another dose of health
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Another dose of health
Balancing the demands of caregiving and the rest of your daily to-do list can be overwhelming. What can you do? The best way to care for your loved one is to care for yourself as well.
Caregiving support.
Another dose of health
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Another dose of health
Most Americans spend an average of 11 to 12 hours a day sitting.* It’s not easy to break the cycle of sitting especially if you commute to work and spend most of the day at a desk. But too much sitting can be hazardous to your health.
Avoid the side effects of sitting.
Another dose of health
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Another dose of health
Being aware of your body shape isn’t all about looks. The shape of your body and where you may carry extra fat can affect your health too.
Why waist size matters.
Another dose of health
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Another dose of health
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, and it’s also highly treatable when detected early.* So it’s important to inspect your skin regularly for changes.
Shedding light on skin cancer type.
Another dose of health
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Another dose of health
Blood pressure is a measurement of the force of your blood pushing against your artery walls. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is when that pressure is consistently too high.
Pump up your knowledge.
Another dose of health
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Another dose of health
When it comes to how you experience pain, your mind and body are closely connected. If you’re stressed, your body may hold tension and produce stress hormones that make pain worse. Relaxing your body and taking your mind off what hurts may help.*
Pain relief without pills.
Another dose of health
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Another dose of health
If you have knee pain, you might worry that physical activity could make your pain worse. But there’s no need to quit on your fitness goals. For joint pain caused by osteoarthritis, exercise is considered the most effective nondrug treatment for reducing pain and improving movement.*
Help keep your knees young.
Another dose of health
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Another dose of health
How caretakers can take better careof themselves.
November is National Family Caregivers Month.
Another dose of health
November is National Family Caregivers Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Younger women and breast cancer risk.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Another dose of health
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Fight back against the flu.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
Another dose of health
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Build healthy oral habits that last a lifetime.
Aging and oral health
Another dose of health
Aging and oral health. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Social media can be great for connecting with friends, staying on top of news, even finding a great new restaurant. But when life becomes consumed by status updates and the latest online trends, it’s time to re-evaluate. Share tips with your team on finding balance.
The side effects of social media.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Aging and oral health. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
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Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [667k]
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Understand the connection between diabetes and oral health.
Diabetes and oral health: what you should know
Another dose of health
Diabetes and oral health: what you should know. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Worrying about money can increase stress and anxiety and have a negative effect on overall well-being. Help your employees learn ways to manager their money and overcome debt.
Reduce your debt and your stress.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Diabetes and oral health: what you should know. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English
November is National Family Caregivers Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [698k]
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Healthy mouth, healthy life.
October is national dental hygiene month
Another dose of health
October is national dental hygiene month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
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Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive. It just takes some planning and knowing what to look for at the store. Help your employees learn some healthy meal prep tips.
Healthier eating gets easier.
Another dose of health
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.zip [18k]
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October is national dental hygiene month. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [1022k]
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Keeping a healthy weight can reduce your oral health risks.
A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth
Another dose of health
A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
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Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Ladies, maintain the same healthy smile throughout all stages of life.
Women’s oral health
Another dose of health
Women’s oral health. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
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Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
With your employees almost always on the go, health apps are a great way to help them track and meet their health goals. But with so many out there, how do they choose? Help your team learn how to find the right one.
There’s a health app for everyone.
Another dose of health
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.zip [18k]
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Women’s oral health. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
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August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [728k]
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Oral health impacts your overall health more than you may realize.
Oral health impacts overall health
Another dose of health
Oral health impacts overall health. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Vitality is the energy that lives inside all of us. And when it’s considered, cared for and strengthened, it can help you become the healthiest version of yourself.
Slip into sleep.
Another dose of health
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.zip [18k]
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Go on, get social.
.zip [682k]
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Help employees learn more about plant-based foods and all of their benefits.
Give plant-based eating a try.
Another dose of health
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Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [2.9m]
Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Help keep those healthy smiles in check. Share this email with your employees.
June is National Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
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.zip [18k]
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Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
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Make time for self-care.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Help keep those healthy smiles in check. Share this email with your employees.
June is National Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
.zip [18k]
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Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [4.1m]
Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Stop negative self-talk to reduce stress and improve health.
Help employees learn how to see the brighter side more often.
View digital newsletter
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [3.4m]
April is National Minority Health Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
Share this email with your employees on the oral health dangers of alcohol, vaping and tobacco.
.zip [18k]
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Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Help employees find ways to cut down on the cost of their medications.
Saving on prescriptions is possible.
View digital newsletter
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
March is National Nutrition Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
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Eating to live longer.
March is National Nutrition Month
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [4.9m]
March is National Nutrition Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
Download English Spanish
Genes can impact oral health. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Help employees learn skills to build resilience and increase their vitality.
Bounce back from burnout.
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Another dose of health
February is American Heart Month. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
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De-stress to decrease your risk of heart disease.
February is American Heart Month.
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Grab images and quick content to share on your company's social or HR platforms.
Go on, get social.
.zip [3.4m]
February is American Heart Month. Share this email with your employees.
Add health & dental observance extras
.zip [18k]
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February is Children's Dental Health Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Help employees learn how to sit with safety in mind.
Make ergonomics part of your work day.
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Another dose of health
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Go on, get social.
.zip [3m]
Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
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Brush up on dental habits for the new year. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Help employees learn how to fight knee pain, starting with regular movement.
Everyone can keep their knees feeling healthier.
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Another dose of health
View more Topics
All well-being topics
Physical well-being topics
Emotional well-being topics
Financial well-being topics
Environmental well-being topics
Social well-being topics
Health and Dental Extras
Check out even more health education resources you can share with your employees.
Aging and oral health
Diabetes and oral health: what you should know
October is national dental hygiene month
National Family Caregivers Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth
National Immunization Awareness Month
Women’s oral health
Oral health impacts overall health
Mental Health Awareness Month
National Nutrition Month
American Heart Month
Health and Dental Extras
Shop around to help save money on surgery.
Six ways to save on your health care bills.
Reduce your debt and your stress.
How to spot a scam.
Estate planning essentials.
Financial well-being topics
More than a mood.
Make resilience a ritual.
Get back to nature.
Boost your brain power.
A dose of humor for your health.
Emotional well-being topics
The side effects of social media.
Strengthen your social connections.
Positive ways to resolve conflict.
Feel the positive effects of pets.
Bring kindness wherever you go.
Be open to being open-minded.
Social well-being topics
Take the sting out of summer.
Declutter your life.
Caregiving support.
Avoid the side effects of sitting.
Environmental well-being articles
Why waist size matters.
Pump up your knowledge.
Pain relief without pills.
Help keep your knees young.
Healthier eating gets easier.
Fit for life.
Phyiscal well-being topics
Strengthen your social connections.
Shedding light on skin cancer type.
Pump up your knowledge.
More than a mood.
How to spot a scam.
Get back to nature.
Estate planning essentials.
Caregiving support.
Bring kindness wherever you go.
Boost your brain power.
Be open to being open-minded.
A dose of humor for your health.
The side effects of social media.
Reduce your debt and your stress.
Healthier eating gets easier.
Feel the positive effects of pets.
There’s a health app for everyone.
Slip into sleep.
How to prepare for your annual check-up.
The exercise effect.
Six ways to save on your health care bills.
The antioxidant advantage.
Fit for life.
Make resilience a ritual.
All well-being topics
February is American Heart Month. Share this email with your employees.
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De-stress to decrease your risk of heart disease.
February is American Heart Month.
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Another dose of health
Oral health impacts your overall health more than you may realize.
Oral health impacts overall health
Another dose of health
Oral health impacts overall health. Share this email with your employees.
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Another dose of health
Small habits can go a long way.
Brush up on dental habits for
the new year.
Another dose of health
Brush up on dental habits for the new year. Share this email with your employees.
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Another dose of health
Help establish strong dental health, right from the start.
Children’s Dental Health Month.
Another dose of health
Children’s Dental Health Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Another dose of health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Make time for self-care.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
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Another dose of health
Help establish strong dental health, right from the start.
Children’s Dental Health Month.
Children’s Dental Health Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Another dose of health
Alcohol, vaping and tobacco directly affect our oral health, too – leading to gum disease, tooth decay and much more.
It’s not just your liver and lungs that
are compromised.
Share this email with your employees on the oral health dangers of alcohol, vaping and tobacco.
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Another dose of health
March is National Nutrition Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Eating to live longer.
March is National Nutrition Month
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Another dose of health
Oral health impacts your overall health more than you may realize.
Oral health impacts overall health
Another dose of health
Oral health impacts overall health. Share this email with your employees.
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Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Everyone can keep their knees feeling healthier.
Oral health impacts overall health
It’s common to feel nervous going to the dentist.
Mental Health Awareness Month
National Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
Stay clear of alcohol, vaping and tobacco.
April is National Minority Health Month
Women’s oral health
National Immunization Awareness Month
Oral health impacts overall health
Declutter your life.
Positive ways to resolve conflict.
Pain relief without pills.
Why waist size matters.
Take the sting out of summer.
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July is National UV Safety Awareness Month.
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Vitality is the energy that lives inside all of us. And when it’s considered, cared for and strengthened, it can help you become the healthiest version of yourself.
Working vitality into your day.
Another dose of health
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Working vitality into your day.
Share this month's VitaMin newsletter via email or PDF handout with your employees.
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Share the health
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August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Imagine going to pay for your groceries and your credit card gets denied. Or seeing a large charge on your monthly credit card bill for something you didn’t buy. Or you get a notice from your health insurance company that you reached your benefit limit. All these scenarios, and many more like them, happen to victims of identity theft.
Don’t become a victim of identity theft.
Another dose of health
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A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth. Share this email with your employees.
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Conflict is a normal part of life. And while it’s okay to never be truly comfortable during a conflict, it’s important to know that being able to resolve issues effectively is a healthy part of communicating with others.
Using conflict to foster growth.
Another dose of health
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English Spanish
.zip [18k]
Bounce back from burnout.
More than a mood.
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English Spanish
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August is National Immunization Awareness Month.
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English Spanish
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With your employees almost always on the go, health apps are a great way to help them track and meet their health goals. But with so many out there, how do they choose? Help your team learn how to find the right one.
There’s a health app for everyone.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
Working vitality into your day.
With your employees almost always on the go, health apps are a great way to help them track and meet their health goals. But with so many out there, how do they choose? Help your team learn how to find the right one.
There’s a health app for everyone.
Another dose of health
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August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
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Another dose of health
Saving on prescriptions is possible.
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September is National Recovery Month.
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Conflict is a normal part of life. And while it’s okay to never be truly comfortable during a conflict, it’s important to know that being able to resolve issues effectively is a healthy part of communicating with others.
Using conflict to foster growth.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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English Spanish
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A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth. Share this email with your employees.
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Whether team dog, cat or ferret, studies show that pet owners are generally happier and healthier.* Help your employees discover all the good things pets can do for their health.
Feel the positive effects of pets.
Another dose of health
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.zip [18k]
Whether team dog, cat or ferret, studies show that pet owners are generally happier and healthier.* Help your employees discover all the good things pets can do for their health.
Feel the positive effects of pets.
View digital newsletter
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth. Share this email with your employees.
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Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
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Whether team dog, cat or ferret, studies show that pet owners are generally happier and healthier.* Help your employees discover all the good things pets can do for their health.
Feel the positive effects of pets.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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A healthier lifestyle can lead to a healthier mouth. Share this email with your employees.
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Another dose of health
National World Mental Health Day, October 10.
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Feeling anxious is a normal part of life. Whether it’s starting a new job, speaking in front of a crowd or waiting for test results from the doctor, there are some things that twist our stomachs in knots.
Calming anxious thoughts.
Another dose of health
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December is National Seasonal Affective Disorder Awareness Month.
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Getting both good-quality sleep and the proper quantity of it are two of the most important things you can do for your overall health. Most adults need somewhere between seven and nine hours of good, quality sleep each night.
Sleep well. Your heart will thank you.
Another dose of health
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The holidays and food go hand in hand. From weekend parties and office cookie swaps to family and friend get-togethers, it can feel like a never-ending smorgasbord of food, drinks, sweets and treats.
Make it through the holidays, healthier.
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Another dose of health
November is National Family Caregivers Month.
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Another dose of health
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Resources ready to use
Calming anxious thoughts.
Make it through the holidays, healthier.
Sleep well. Your heart will thank you.
Resources ready to use
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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English Spanish
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
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English Spanish
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.zip [1022k]
Feeling anxious is a normal part of life. Whether it’s starting a new job, speaking in front of a crowd or waiting for test results from the doctor, there are some things that twist our stomachs in knots.
Healthier eating gets easier.
Another dose of health
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Boost your brain power.
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English Spanish
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November is National Family Caregivers Month.
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English Spanish
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.zip [698k]
Worrying about money can increase stress and anxiety and have a negative effect on overall well-being. Help your employees learn ways to manager their money and overcome debt.
Reduce your debt and your stress.
Another dose of health
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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English Spanish
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Aging and oral health.
Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [667k]
Social media can be great for connecting with friends, staying on top of news, even finding a great new restaurant. But when life becomes consumed by status updates and the latest online trends, it’s time to re-evaluate. Share tips with your team on finding balance.
The side effects of social media.
Another dose of health
View digital newsletter
.zip [18k]
Feeling anxious is a normal part of life. Whether it’s starting a new job, speaking in front of a crowd or waiting for test results from the doctor, there are some things that twist our stomachs in knots.
Healthier eating gets easier.
Another dose of health
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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October is national dental hygiene month. Share this email with your employees.
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Share this email with your employees.
.zip [18k]
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Go on, get social.
.zip [1022k]
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Worrying about money can increase stress and anxiety and have a negative effect on overall well-being. Help your employees learn ways to manager their money and overcome debt.
Reduce your debt and your stress.
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Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Diabetes and oral health: what you should know. Share this email with your employees.
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.zip [18k]
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.zip [698k]
Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Social media can be great for connecting with friends, staying on top of news, even finding a great new restaurant. But when life becomes consumed by status updates and the latest online trends, it’s time to re-evaluate. Share tips with your team on finding balance.
The side effects of social media.
View digital newsletter
Share this month’s digital newsletter with your employees.
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Aging and oral health. Share this email with your employees.
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Resources ready to use
Another dose of health
Shedding light on skin cancer types.